

Add a Node with properties

Number NodeAdd(String type, String key, String json)

Add an empty Node

Number NodeAdd(String type, String key)

Get a Node by Type and Key

Node NodeGet(String type, String key)

Get a Node by Id

Node NodeGet(Number id)

Get a Node Id by Type and Key

Number NodeGetId(String type, String key)

Get the Key of a Node by Id

String NodeGetKey(Number id)

Get the Type of a Node by Id

String NodeGetType(Number id)

Get the Type Id of a Node by Id

Number NodeGetTypeId(Number id)

Remove a Node by Type and Key

Boolean NodeRemove(String type, String key)

Remove a Node by Id

Boolean NodeRemove(Number id)

Return a list of Nodes by their Node Ids

Node[] NodesGet(Number[] ids)