
Get All Nodes

Retrieve all the existing nodes as an array of maps, default skip of 0 and limit of 100

:GET /db/{graph}/nodes?limit=100&skip=0

Example Request:

:GET /db/rage/nodes?limit=100&skip=0

Example Response:

[{"id": 1026, "type": "User", "key": "Helene", "properties": { "age": 41, "name": "helene" }},{"id": 1027, "type": "Person", "key": "Max", "properties": { "age": 42, "name": "max" }}]

Get All Nodes of a Type

Retrieve all the existing nodes of a particular type as an array of maps, default skip of 0 and limit of 100

:GET /db/{graph}/nodes/{type}?limit=100&skip=0

Example Request:

:GET /db/rage/nodes/User?limit=100&skip=0

Example Response:

[{"id": 1026, "type": "User", "key": "Helene", "properties": { "age": 41, "name": "helene" }}]

Get A Node By Type and Key

Retrieve an existing node by their type and key as a map

:GET /db/{graph}/node/{type}/{key}

Example Request:

:GET /db/rage/node/User/Helene

Example Response:

{"id": 1026, "type": "User", "key": "Helene", "properties": { "age": 41, "name": "helene" }}

Get A Node By Id

Retrieve an existing node by their id as a map

:GET /db/{graph}/node/{id}

Example Request:

:GET /db/rage/node/1026

Example Response:

{"id": 1026, "type": "User", "key": "Helene", "properties": { "age": 41, "name": "helene" }}

Create A Node

Crate a new node with a JSON formatted Body: {properties}

:POST /db/{graph}/node/{type}/{key}

Example Request:

:POST /db/rage/node/User/Max { "name":"max", "age":42 }

Example Response:

{"id": 1027, "type": "User", "key": "Max", "properties": { "age": 42, "name": "max" }}

Delete A Node By Type and Key

Delete an existing node by their type and key

:DELETE /db/{graph}/node/{type}/{key}

Example Request:

:DELETE /db/rage/node/User/Max

Delete A Node By Id

Delete an existing node by their id

:DELETE /db/{graph}/node/{id}

Example Request:

:DELETE /db/rage/node/1027