List Methods

Intersect - In both lists

Get the intersecting ids from two lists of ids

Number[] IntersectIds(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the intersecting Nodes from two lists of ids

Node[] IntersectNodes(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the intersecting Relationships from two lists of ids

Relationship[] IntersectRelationships(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the intersecting ids count from two lists of ids

Number[] IntersectIdsCount(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Difference - present in the first list, but not in the second one

Get the difference ids from two lists of ids

Number[] DifferenceIds(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the difference Nodes from two lists of ids

Node[] DifferenceNodes(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the difference Relationships from two lists of ids

Relationship[] DifferenceRelationships(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)

Get the difference ids count from two lists of ids

Number[] DifferenceIdsCount(Number[] ids1, Number[] ids2)